Actualities, News, Projects

Sustainable Fashion Industry – EKO in an international project

EKO has become part of a European Union funded project called Re-Fashionable (Project number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET- 000155130), aiming at supporting the Vocational Education and Training sector and the Fashion industry to adapt to a more sustainable and circular work and study model. The project will create a new meeting, collaboration and change-making process for all the fashion world protagonists: fashion schools, including staff and students, designers, producers, and environmental organisations mitigating climate change resulting from the fashion cycle. The project started on 01 September 2024 and ends on 31 August 2025.

In its 2 years period, the Re-Fashionable project will implement a “meet-connect-collaborate” digital platform: an innovative platform where all target groups, such as VET school trainers, staff and students, fashion companies, fashion professionals and environmental organizations focusing on fashion sustainability can register and meet in order to cooperate, exchange ideas, build new projects and learn from each other. It will also create an eLearning course: an innovative, inclusive and supportive course for people who work directly or indirectly in the fashion industry, as well as for people who aspire to work with or for this industry. The course will fit the needs of all the target groups in providing all the necessary basic knowledge regarding fashion sustainability. Finally, a Summer Lab will be organized, which will bring members of the target groups together to create a sustainable fashion business plan, and a set of documenting Video Stories. The members of the project’s target groups will have the unique opportunity to interact in person at an intersection of sustainability, conceptualizing opportunity, and new media.

            Participants of the project are Blue Room Innovation (ES), Grup Qstura 2017 SL (ES), Aintek Sumvouloi Epicheiriseon (EL), Instituto di Instruzione Superiore N. Machiavelli (IT), Association for Creative Education (HU) and Learning Hub Friesland (NL).

            With the mission Sustainability in all parts of fashion production and consumption with you, Re-Fashionable aims to achieve a more sustainable fashion sector and a greater awareness, ability to employ and motivation to implement the principles of GreenComp, and the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, together with a greater willingness to change and to move to more sustainable practices by designers, producers, retailers, and even consumers and the wider public.

You can find more information on the project website.

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